Please contact
us if you have any success stories of any Knabstruppers competing
anywhere in the world. We would also love to hear any news about
relatives or offspring of our horses. |
Congrats to Samantha Mcauliffe of Cayuse Appaloosas in Australia on the arrival ofher two gorgeous spotted foals conceived by frozen semen from our stallion Xhogun Middelsom. It is very exciting for us to help bring new Knabstrupper bloodlines to Australia. |
June Our final foal for 2009 safely arrives. Elmegårdens
Surprice (Underworld xx) had a huge leopard Knabstrupper
colt by Blacklaw Xcalibur at 11.40 pm 31st May. The foal
page will be updated soon and he will be for sale. |
June Graded
Knabstrupper mare Frederiksstens Vibe (Uffe Korshojgaard)
foaled 29th May a beautiful snowcap Knabstrupper filly
by Xhogun Middelsom KNN174. Congratulations to Lyn and
family. |
June Blacklaw Xzar leaves 29th May on the beginning
of his long trip to South Africa. We wish him a safe journey.
June Blacklaw Vice Versa came 3rd in a quality 2yr potential
Sporthorse class at Suffolk County Show with the winner of her class
going on to be Champion. Well done V.V. and Connections.
Blacklaw Phoenix was also out where she picked up
5th place in the Competition Sporthorse, 3rd place in Riding Horse
Youngstock qualifying for Ponies (UK) and 1st place in Home Produced
Sporthorse qualifying for P(UK), International London and National
Pony Association Championships. Well done Phe and Gem. |
June Thank you to Halona Stud for the updated pictures
of gorgeous Halona Xubia. Xubia has fantastic expressive paces
as was hoped form his breeding and he was sold in just 2 days! |
May Thanks so much to Tom for sending us these great pictures
of their new arrival. This stunning black near leopard Knabstrupper
colt is by Xhogun Middelsom KNN174 out
of Zerina. Zerina is a graded Knabstrupper
by Conetti Lynghoj KNN 118 out of Karina
KNN 1851. Congratulations he is gorgeous! This lovely chap is for
sale. Please contact Sue or Dennis on 01304 832513. |
May Congratulations to Ruth and her 3 year old Knabstrupper
gelding Blacklaw Xpresso. At Fife Show on the 23rd Xpresso was Appaloosa
and Spotted
Very well done! Xpresso is out of our broodmare
Elmegaardens Surprice
KNN112. |
Photo by Helen
Sinclair |
May We were delighted to receive these pictures below of Xhogun's
first foal born in the USA. This stunning filly foal's dam is a
gorgeous Dutch WB retired FEI dressage mare. Congratulations! |
May Congratulations to Sue and family on the safe arrival
of their superb near leopard colt by Xhogun out of Zerina (Conetti
Lynghoj) and also
to Halona Stud who had a lovely leopard colt by Xhogun
out of Winnie (Weltmeyer). Pictures to follow soon. |
May Xquisit Middelsom, the sire of our lovely
mare Xeleste, is
pictured here competing in Switzerland with his rider
Isabel Jüsrich. He is a stunning stallion and
it is hoped he will do very well in dressage. More
can be found here.
April - What a couple of days. Annabel had an accident
in the field which has left her a bit battered and bruised. She
is fine but
will be out of service for a few days.
Betty foaled twins on the 22nd by Xcalibur. Sadly the colt was
stillborn. We have been advised that the surviving filly is a good
size for a
twin and all her tests have come back with positive results. We
are very thankful
that both Betty and her filly appear to be doing well and are praying
this continues. We have named her Xing Xing which means Twin
Stars after herself and her brother.
Xing Xing
April - We were delighted to hear Xhogun has
his first pregnancies in NZ, Australia and the USA via frozen semen.
Congratulations, and thanks to all, especially the expectant Mums.
you to Carol for sending us this lovely picture of Blacklaw
Firestorm. Firestorm is out of Hazel Park by Buskhill
Gunner. She recently won her second Prelim dressage class with a
score of 64%. Congratulations and well done! |