KNN 1608 graded 16.2hh whiteborn Knabstrupper mare
is in foal again to the premium 16.3hh graded stallion De
Niro. We were so pleased with last year's foal Vogue that
we had to repeat the breeding. De Niro needs little introduction
being one of Oldenburg's most successful breeding stallions.
His sire Donnerhall arguably has had a greater lasting
influence on contemporary German dressage and the breeding
of dressage horses than any stallion previously. De Niro's
dam Alicante, herself a successful dressage horse, also
produced the approved stallion Dimension. Her sire Akzent
II was regarded as one of the best producers of rideability
in modern day horse breeding and frequently made news with
sensational stallion sons and expensive auction horses.
De Niro was reserve champion in the 1996 Stallion test
scoring 9 for all three paces and 9.67 for rideability.
De Niro's foals are of an elegant, modern type with excellent conformation
and outstanding movement with many topping the Elite Hanoverian foal
auction. The following are a few of the successes he has had this year
but there really are too many to mention.
Brightwells Best British Dressage Foal 2005 the Reserve place went to
the filly Diamonique, by De Niro, who later gained the top price of £7,000
in the evening auction. At the British Dressage Young Horse and Breeding
Championships 2005 the champion was a yearling filly Dafila, also by
De Niro, who beat off competition from older rivals. At the Klosterhof
Medingen foal auction 2005 Delegate by De Niro sold for 99,000 Euros.
Vice Versa Vixen
does it again! Another stunning filly!
Vixen foaled at 11.55pm on 18th June. She
has had an absolutely exquisit long legged filly, full
of quality and presence. Vice Versa was awarded a
nine overall out of a possible ten at the KNN Knabstrupper


171cm Fully papered Czech Warmblood and Kinsky mare in foal
to Knabstrupper stallion Pinocchio
Middelsom. Arleta is a beautiful, elegant mare with good
conformation and excellent paces. The broodmare page will
be updated shortly with
her details. We are very
excited about this foal as Arleta compliments Pinocchio very
foaled in the early hours of 1st August.
She has had a gorgeous, leggy chestnut filly. She is a very
pretty and refined foal with a bold and inquisitive temperament.
We are absolutely delighted with her, she is a cracker! For
sale to a good competition home. Photos updated 5th August.
Phoenix was awarded a First Premium at the Scottish Sporthorse
Grading by the Dutch and Swedish judges. They commented she
was "a
very good mover with a lot of elasticity"

Pinocchio Middelsom