is by Xantast
Middelsom a Premium graded leopard Knabstrupper
stallion. Xantast sired the best foal at the KNN grading
in 2004, has had several daughters graded, one with an outstanding
9 and also has a fully graded stallion son. Xantast is by
Xanthos, a superb stallion, who has produced international
dressage horses and several graded stallion sons.
dam is the prolific graded Knabstrupper mare Vixen. Vixen
has bred a dynasty of successful Knabstruppers and has been
awarded two silver medals for her offspring. In 2007 alone
her offspring’s success has been phenomenal. Vixen’s
foal was Best in Show at the Scottish KNN Knabstrupper grading
achieving a nine overall and she was the only Knabstrupper
in the UK to gain such a high mark. Her grandson at the KNN
Birmingham grading was awarded a premium 8. Her granddaughter
at the UK ZFDP grading was also awarded a foal Premium.
In Denmark at the KNN grading in Zealand her gelding son, Saxer Aested, was
Best in Show whilst her granddaughters were Best Foal and Best Youngstock.
has several Premium graded daughters one of whom received
a nine overall in 2005 at the KNN grading in the UK.
who qualify under the Knabstrupper outcross list (e.g. Graded
Trakehner, Warmblood or TBs) when bred to Xcalibur may be
eligible to receive full mainbook Knabstrupper papers for
their offspring.